
By eighth grade I fully adopted my persona of “Alex Lamb the Movie Man.” Any aspirations I had for any line of work not related to movies or multimedia output I set by the wayside. I committed myself on a path towards filmmaking and have stuck to it ever since.

During high school I wrote movie reviews for my school newspaper and later expanded my skill set to also focus on the newspaper website. Thus I became a cameraman, a video editor and even micromanaged the website’s wonderfully interactive WordPress content.

Once I started working at an AMC theater, that’s when I became a true expert on the film world, seeing nearly every movie that came out and gaining an understanding of moviegoing demographics. I’ve continued on this route in college, no longer working at the theater but still writing reviews and making films of my own. I also worked on an independent feature film in summer 2013 and traveled to the Peruvian Amazon last summer to film a documentary, which I am currently editing.

Click to view Resume

Email: alamb6193@gmail.com

Twitter: @Lambcannon

Youtube: YouJustGotLambinated

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